This post is a little different than the usual post here. It
will involve more reading than usual and more paying attention than usual and
since most people have very short attention spans when they are cruising the
Internet, I don’t think too many people will read this blog post the whole way
through. I wanted to make a video of it, but logistically it was becoming too
difficult because of the question-and-answer format. The blog post is a Socratic
discussion of love and how we can make the world a better place. The
Socratic method is a technique used by Socrates (the Greek philosopher) to come to know the truth
through questions and answers. Socrates usually had at least one person to
bounce his questions off of. The questioner today will be Brian and May will be
answering the queries. If you have the time and can make it to the end, it
should be interesting and maybe, just maybe, it will lead us to a better world.
Brian: Hi, May. So to start things off, do we want
more love and positivity in the world?
May: Yes, Brian. That would be nice.
B: Yes, I agree, it would be a blessing. Do we want more hate and negativity in the world?
M: That would be a hard no.
B: Okay, do you agree that our thoughts become words and sometimes our thoughts become actions? Like I can decide in my head that I am going to rob a bank and then that can lead to the action of robbing a bank, correct?
M: Yes.
B: And our words and actions often impact those people around us, right?
M: Yes, our words and actions do impact our family and friends and other people who come into contact with us.
B: So, if we have positive or loving words and actions, the people around us will be impacted by that love and positivity, perhaps even by speaking or doing things that are positive or loving themselves, right?
M: I would think so.
B: So, by being positive or acting in ways aligned with love, we are spreading love and positivity in the world, correct?
M: At least the people that we come into contact with would see and feel that love and positivity.
B: But the people that come into contact with our positivity could spread positivity and love to people they meet too, isn’t that true? The positivity and love could propagate out like ripples in a pond.
M: Yes, it’s true.
B: So, my love and positivity could multiply and have a much wider spread than I know, right?
M: Yes, it can spread wider.
B: Do you think the world is a better place if love and positivity are spread from me?
M: Of course, yes, but in a limited way.
B: But is the world a better place? Yes or no?
M: Yes.
B: Do you think if we speak or act from a place of hate or have negative things to say that this would affect or impact people around us?
M: I’m sure it would.
B: So, the world would be a worse place, right? Even if in a limited way.
M: Yes, it would be worse.
B: Do you know what quantum entanglement is?
M: I’ve heard of that. Can you remind me what it is?
B: Quantum entanglement is the phenomenon where an atom acted upon will cause a reaction on another atom somewhere else in the room, the world, or even at the other end of the universe. In physics, this is also called action at a distance, or as Einstein dubbed it, “spooky action”. It is a proven phenomenon. In fact, it isn’t just those two atoms that are connected in a quantum way. Potentially every atom in the universe is connected to every other atom in the universe. This is quantum entanglement. Everything is “tangled” together. You could also think of it as a web of connectivity between all matter.
M: That’s amazing that such a thing could be.
B: May, do you think the human condition is positive and loving overall, or is it more negative and hate aligned overall?
M: There is love in the world, Brian, but it seems there is just more negativity and hate these days.
B: I agree, May. And we know how to make it better in at least a limited way, correct? I mean by being positive and loving to those we know.
M: Yes, it’s certainly better than the opposite.
B: I want to tell you though, May, that if you are positive and act in harmony with love, you may have an effect on someone you know, someone in North Korea, or even someone on the international space station. Your thoughts, words and deeds will have an effect on someone because of quantum entanglement. Your positivity and your loving actions will go beyond your physical interactions with your contacts to potentially anywhere or everywhere on Earth because all atoms are potentially entangled.
M: Well, I haven’t thought of it in just that way before.
B: Would you agree that potentially, because I have a positive and loving way of being in the world, that this might have a beneficial effect on other people far away in the world due to quantum entanglement?
M: I would agree that potentially other people might benefit from your positive attitude.
B: And if so, wouldn’t the world be a better place?
M: Yes, it would.
B: What if I stayed in my house and didn’t see anyone, but I was positive and had loving thoughts and speech, would other people benefit from my positivity and love? Would the world be a better place due to my solitary but loving ways?
M: If we are quantumly entangled with other people, then the other person would benefit and the world would be a better place.
B: Let’s look at some indications that quantum entanglement might have something to do with mind or thought. One indication is mental telepathy, the idea that ideas, images, or thoughts can be shared between two minds. Quantum entanglement might be a good way to explain mental telepathy. Another indication is telekinesis, that’s the idea that a person can move or affect objects using thought. Again, quantum entanglement, the idea that I might be entangled somehow with the ball I want to move with my mind would provide a good explanation for telekinesis. Another indication of quantum entanglement working in the world is remote viewing. That’s the idea that a person could see what’s happening somewhere else in the world by clearing his or her mind and focusing on that place and somehow seeing what is happening in the room or area that he or she is concentrating on.
Another potential connection between thought and quantum
entanglement is distance energy healing. Whether it's reiki or some
other type of energy healing, quantum entanglement would seem to be the way for
that distance healing to work. And the last indication is sort of mental
telepathy but I wanted to mention it separately because most people have
experience with it. I’m talking about when you are thinking about someone
and then you receive a phone call from them or similarly you’re sitting in
a room and “feeling” someone’s attention on you or feeling that someone
is looking at you and you turn around and they are. We’ve all had experiences
like this and they would seem to be explained well by spooky action at a
M: Maybe when multitudes of people pray together is another indication of entanglement.
B: I agree. Praying together broadcasts positivity and hope over our web of entanglement. Do you think that we have established a connection between the mind and quantum entanglement?
M: Many phenomena seem to be explained by it, yes.
B: So if I stay home and am solitary but I have a positive and loving attitude, I could potentially have an effect on the overall negative condition that the world is in, right?
M: As much as one person could, yes.
B: But we don’t know how many atoms are entangled with Atom A at a time do we? It might be one at a time it might be two, it might be 100, 1000, or it might be entangled significantly with all of them. We don’t know the mechanisms but we do know there is likely entanglement between all atoms. And since we see the potential of the mind’s similar entanglement with other minds or objects or human bodies, we don’t know to what extent our attitude will entangle with other minds or things, but we do have good evidence that it can. So, we may affect one person at a distance, or many, with our attitude, correct?
M: I would agree with that.
B: So if we want the world to change, to be more positive and loving, we need to act in ways that are more positive and loving, right?
M: Yes.
B: And do we need to speak in ways that are more positive and loving?
M: Yes.
B: And how about thinking, would my thinking positively and in ways aligned with love change the world to a more loving and positive place?
M: Yes, it would!
B: Then as much as possible we should try to delete negativity and hate from our actions, spoken words, and thoughts, and replace them with positive and loving actions, spoken words, and thoughts, right?
M: Yes, apparently having positive thoughts, words, and deeds will have a beneficial effect on the world.
B: And the world will be a better place as a result. Don’t be a transmitter of negativity. Be a transmitter of positivity and the human condition on this world will change, and the world will be a better place to live because more people will be positive and loving.
Thanks for working through this with me, May. Sometimes asking questions is the best way to get to the bottom of something.
M: Well, Brian, it was an exercise certainly worth doing knowing that we could have a better human experience just by thinking it!
words to live by, but