Tuesday, March 26, 2024

What is a waste of electricity/energy?

Public Service Announcement: Bitcoin mining uses electricity to mine Bitcoin which also keeps the network secure. This is as useful to people using Bitcoin as is the "security" of using the Visa payment network, which is also pretty power hungry. Many crypto miners use alternative energy sources and direct mining heat to their homes or swimming pools. But there are many things that can be perceived to waste energy in this world, right? Here are a few:

video gaming
amusement parks
recreational boating
recreational vehicles
aircraft carriers
cruise ships
manufacture of happy meal toys
comic books
most television shows
most news networks
most romance novels
most YouTube videos
car washing
rap music
subwoofers and 1000 watt amplifiers in cars
car mods for looks or performance
toilet seat warmers
heated steering wheels
heated car seats
exotic automobiles
adult toys
greeting cards
fish aquariums
marijuana production
social media networks like Tik Tok, Instagram, Facebook, etc.
the comments sections on YouTube 

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Human Induced Climate Change List

I hope that the following contribution to the National Climate Task Force will help that White House office to save some time and taxpayer money on researching the impacts of global warming/climate change.

You're welcome.

Human Induced Climate Change Impacts:

more rain
less rain 
more lightning
more deaths from lightning
high summer temperatures
more heat-related deaths
cold winter temperatures
more cold-related deaths
more snow
less snow
more volcano activity
more virulent anything
higher murder rates
higher crime rates
more road rage
increased cybercrime
increased poverty
increased racism
increased cancer rates
increased depression
slower internet
ink pens not writing
rising ocean levels
non-rising ocean levels
lakes drying up
lakes overflowing
glaciers melting
glaciers not melting
polar bears drowning
polar bear population increase
animals escaping from zoos
inability/lack of desire to pay student loan debt
increased spread of viruses
more viral pandemics
train derailments
increased plant/food production
increased famine
illegal immigration
dryer pancakes
Pluto being demoted from planet to a big icy rock

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Bitcoin at $423 !

 I thought some of you might be interested to see a chart of Bitcoin from April of 2014. The price was $423, down from a high the previous December of about $1140. 

November 8, 2023 price is $35,812.

Click to enlarge

Friday, March 31, 2023

Inconvenient Truth: 32 Climate Predictions Proven False

A great video highlighting the climate apocalypse predictions that didn't come true. Bias plus science equals fear mongering (and 60 years of scared children, some of whom have grown to be scared adults).

What we should be looking for is the next asteroid that will come out of nowhere and do more to wreck the climate than human carbon output ever could. 

Thursday, December 29, 2022

More Love and Positivity

This post is a little different than the usual post here. It will involve more reading than usual and more paying attention than usual and since most people have very short attention spans when they are cruising the Internet, I don’t think too many people will read this blog post the whole way through. I wanted to make a video of it, but logistically it was becoming too difficult because of the question-and-answer format. The blog post is a Socratic discussion of love and how we can make the world a better place. The Socratic method is a technique used by Socrates (the Greek philosopher) to come to know the truth through questions and answers. Socrates usually had at least one person to bounce his questions off of. The questioner today will be Brian and May will be answering the queries. If you have the time and can make it to the end, it should be interesting and maybe, just maybe, it will lead us to a better world.
Brian: Hi, May. So to start things off, do we want more love and positivity in the world?

May: Yes, Brian. That would be nice.

B: Yes, I agree, it would be a blessing. Do we want more hate and negativity in the world?

M: That would be a hard no.

B: Okay, do you agree that our thoughts become words and sometimes our thoughts become actions? Like I can decide in my head that I am going to rob a bank and then that can lead to the action of robbing a bank, correct?

M: Yes.

B: And our words and actions often impact those people around us, right?

M: Yes, our words and actions do impact our family and friends and other people who come into contact with us.

B: So, if we have positive or loving words and actions, the people around us will be impacted by that love and positivity, perhaps even by speaking or doing things that are positive or loving themselves, right?

M: I would think so.

B: So, by being positive or acting in ways aligned with love, we are spreading love and positivity in the world, correct?

M: At least the people that we come into contact with would see and feel that love and positivity.

B: But the people that come into contact with our positivity could spread positivity and love to people they meet too, isn’t that true? The positivity and love could propagate out like ripples in a pond.

M: Yes, it’s true.

B: So, my love and positivity could multiply and have a much wider spread than I know, right?

M: Yes, it can spread wider.

B: Do you think the world is a better place if love and positivity are spread from me?

M: Of course, yes, but in a limited way.

B: But is the world a better place? Yes or no?

M: Yes.

B: Do you think if we speak or act from a place of hate or have negative things to say that this would affect or impact people around us?

M: I’m sure it would.

B: So, the world would be a worse place, right? Even if in a limited way.

M: Yes, it would be worse.

B: Do you know what quantum entanglement is?

M: I’ve heard of that. Can you remind me what it is?

B: Quantum entanglement is the phenomenon where an atom acted upon will cause a reaction on another atom somewhere else in the room, the world, or even at the other end of the universe. In physics, this is also called action at a distance, or as Einstein dubbed it, “spooky action”. It is a proven phenomenon. In fact, it isn’t just those two atoms that are connected in a quantum way. Potentially every atom in the universe is connected to every other atom in the universe. This is quantum entanglement. Everything is “tangled” together. You could also think of it as a web of connectivity between all matter.

M: That’s amazing that such a thing could be.

B: May, do you think the human condition is positive and loving overall, or is it more negative and hate aligned overall?

M: There is love in the world, Brian, but it seems there is just more negativity and hate these days.

B: I agree, May. And we know how to make it better in at least a limited way, correct? I mean by being positive and loving to those we know.

M: Yes, it’s certainly better than the opposite.

B: I want to tell you though, May, that if you are positive and act in harmony with love, you may have an effect on someone you know, someone in North Korea, or even someone on the international space station. Your thoughts, words and deeds will have an effect on someone because of quantum entanglement. Your positivity and your loving actions will go beyond your physical interactions with your contacts to potentially anywhere or everywhere on Earth because all atoms are potentially entangled.

M: Well, I haven’t thought of it in just that way before.

B: Would you agree that potentially, because I have a positive and loving way of being in the world, that this might have a beneficial effect on other people far away in the world due to quantum entanglement?

M: I would agree that potentially other people might benefit from your positive attitude.

B: And if so, wouldn’t the world be a better place?

M: Yes, it would.

B: What if I stayed in my house and didn’t see anyone, but I was positive and had loving thoughts and speech, would other people benefit from my positivity and love? Would the world be a better place due to my solitary but loving ways?

M: If we are quantumly entangled with other people, then the other person would benefit and the world would be a better place.

B: Let’s look at some indications that quantum entanglement might have something to do with mind or thought. One indication is mental telepathy, the idea that ideas, images, or thoughts can be shared between two minds. Quantum entanglement might be a good way to explain mental telepathy. Another indication is telekinesis, that’s the idea that a person can move or affect objects using thought. Again, quantum entanglement, the idea that I might be entangled somehow with the ball I want to move with my mind would provide a good explanation for telekinesis. Another indication of quantum entanglement working in the world is remote viewing. That’s the idea that a person could see what’s happening somewhere else in the world by clearing his or her mind and focusing on that place and somehow seeing what is happening in the room or area that he or she is concentrating on.

Another potential connection between thought and quantum entanglement is distance energy healing. Whether it's reiki or some other type of energy healing, quantum entanglement would seem to be the way for that distance healing to work. And the last indication is sort of mental telepathy but I wanted to mention it separately because most people have experience with it. I’m talking about when you are thinking about someone and then you receive a phone call from them or similarly you’re sitting in a room and “feeling” someone’s attention on you or feeling that someone is looking at you and you turn around and they are. We’ve all had experiences like this and they would seem to be explained well by spooky action at a distance.

M: Maybe when multitudes of people pray together is another indication of entanglement.

B: I agree. Praying together broadcasts positivity and hope over our web of entanglement. Do you think that we have established a connection between the mind and quantum entanglement?

M: Many phenomena seem to be explained by it, yes.

B: So if I stay home and am solitary but I have a positive and loving attitude, I could potentially have an effect on the overall negative condition that the world is in, right?

M: As much as one person could, yes.

B: But we don’t know how many atoms are entangled with Atom A at a time do we? It might be one at a time it might be two, it might be 100, 1000, or it might be entangled significantly with all of them. We don’t know the mechanisms but we do know there is likely entanglement between all atoms. And since we see the potential of the mind’s similar entanglement with other minds or objects or human bodies, we don’t know to what extent our attitude will entangle with other minds or things, but we do have good evidence that it can. So, we may affect one person at a distance, or many, with our attitude, correct?

M: I would agree with that.

B: So if we want the world to change, to be more positive and loving, we need to act in ways that are more positive and loving, right?

M: Yes.

B: And do we need to speak in ways that are more positive and loving?

M: Yes.

B: And how about thinking, would my thinking positively and in ways aligned with love change the world to a more loving and positive place?

M: Yes, it would!

B: Then as much as possible we should try to delete negativity and hate from our actions, spoken words, and thoughts, and replace them with positive and loving actions, spoken words, and thoughts, right?

M: Yes, apparently having positive thoughts, words, and deeds will have a beneficial effect on the world.

B: And the world will be a better place as a result. Don’t be a transmitter of negativity. Be a transmitter of positivity and the human condition on this world will change, and the world will be a better place to live because more people will be positive and loving.

Thanks for working through this with me, May. Sometimes asking questions is the best way to get to the bottom of something.

M: Well, Brian, it was an exercise certainly worth doing knowing that we could have a better human experience just by thinking it!

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Retain Your Personal Transportation Options

One of the problems with being forced to be more reliant on mass transportation is that the government can shut it down whenever they want and restrict the movements of the population as is now happening in Communist China. This is in an effort to curtail protests happening within the country over the extreme COVID lockdown measures which lead to the burning deaths of ten people on November 25 who were locked in a burning apartment building.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

China Needs a Gorbachev

If it weren't for the Capitalism in China, the people of the world's most populous country would still be poor and living in early twentieth century conditions. But Capitalism isn't married to Communism, it is controlled by it and tolerated by it because the CCP understands that if it is to have the power it needs to subjugate its people and threaten its neighbors, then it needs money. It learned well from the U.S.S.R.'s failure and its own early failures. Capitalism is a means to an end for the CCP.

Just imagine if Communism and dictatorial control wasn't a constant choke on the economy and people. The next five-year plan should be to give the government to the people of China.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Antminer S3 Overclock / Underclock Testing

I know there's not a lot of need for Antminer S3 overclock / underclock testing since this Bitcoin miner was first introduced by Bitmain in June of 2014 and was superseded by other faster ASIC miners not long after that. But there are some good reasons to use the Antminer S3 (if you can find one) for home mining. I know there are a few Antminer S3's still out there in 2022 and they needn't be in a closet or gathering spiderwebs in the basement. 

  1. It makes a great lottery miner. If you don't think 30 or 40 dollars per month is a lot to pay for lottery tickets, you could run the S3 for that much electricity (more or less depending where you live) and have the chance of winning 6.3 Bitcoin. The lowest underclock would cost around $15/mo. With this setup you don't have to drive to the convenience store all the time to buy lottery tickets. That said, solo mining for Bitcoin offers a very slim chance of solving a block, just as does a Powerball drawing offer a very slim chance of winning. You can also pool mine if you want to stack Sats. Additionally, you can mine for other SHA-256 coins which will have lower network difficulty levels and thus be "easier" to solve blocks for (i.e., Bitcoin Cash, Digibyte, XEC, and others).
  2. The miner gives the house heat in the winter. So it serves the dual purpose of mining for SHA-256 coins and warming the house, thus reducing the work of the main heat system by whatever small amount. In summer you can underclock the S3 (if you're keeping it in the house) so that the heat it adds to a room is negligible.
  3. The Antminer S3 is more powerful than USB stick miners and less hassle. 
  4. It is easy to make it quiet. If you are going to use a miner in the house it has to be reasonably quiet. This miner doesn't get as hot as an Antminer S7 or Antminer S9 or any of the other multiple terahash miners that exist these days. Since it doesn't get as hot, it doesn't need as vigorous a fan as the S3 originally came with. Replace the original fans with quiet PC case fans of the same size and with 4 pin connectors (~3000 RPM). Even at the highest hashrate these are more than enough for cooling the S3. Make sure your PSU is quiet as well.

The testing data below is going to be frustrating for people with Antminer S3's that have all the chips available for hashing. My S3 doesn't, so I had to do the testing with 24 working chips when there are usually 32. I really did this testing for myself. Still, you may be able to glean some useful information from this testing, such as wattage differences between settings and hashrate differences from low clock speed to high. 

Testing was done using the firmware version "Fri Jan 9 20:41:34 CST 2015". This version of firmware has the ability to adjust clock speed (Frequency) and voltage. However, my testing and the testing of other miners has concluded that the voltage setting in the firmware doesn't do anything, or much of anything at all. If you want to adjust voltages, getting a power supply (PSU) that has adjustable output voltages is your best bet. In my testing the only thing that made a difference was changing the clock speed.

Different clock speeds often caused 1 or 2 chips to display an X in the miner's interface which means they aren't hashing. This causes a lower hashrate and lower wattages. Sometimes a reboot at that clock speed would help those chips, sometimes not. 

Fan speeds were affected by clock speed, hashrate, and by the HVAC heat coming on in the room, but you can see in the chart that lower clock speeds result in lower fan speeds and thus quieter miners.

Hardware errors were never much more than 0.01%, but when they were under that I noted it as low hardware errors in the chart (LHWE). Perhaps those are more efficient or stable speeds to run at.

In the 0725 voltage part of the chart I tested with one cable into each hashboard instead of two. There was no difference between the two options. 

The chart did not convert well onto a blog page so it is presented here as an image which you can click on to enlarge. If you right-click on the image you can save it and thus enlarge it when viewing.

Antminer S3 Chart

Check out: The Essential Guide to Bitcoin Mining: A Cryptocurrency Tutorial

PaperbackKindleNookKoboGoogle Play

Monday, October 11, 2021

News-Free Vacation

Have you ever gone the weekend without paying the least attention to the news? Have you ever gone on vacation and not watched the evening news, read a paper, or checked the news feed on your phone even once? The news of the world still happened while you didn't read, listen to, or check it and not knowing the news during these short times likely didn't affect your life negatively at all. In fact, your weekend or vacation was better, it was more enjoyable because your consciousness wasn't impacted by negativity that you have no control over and can do nothing about. You were able to live in the moment of your weekend or vacation with your loved ones and enjoy some quality time.

For example, what would you have done (mid-weekend) if you knew about the fire in Paris? What action would you have taken had you known about the kidnapping of the Algerian ambassador? The fiery argument in Congress would have had an effect on your mood and your psyche but other than that...nothing.

Now imagine taking this news-free weekend and extending it to one month or six months or even indefinitely. Imagine the vacation for your brain, mind and soul. Imagine the improvement in your mood and outlook and possibly even your health!

And not to worry, if you need to know something it will get to you if it is so important. Friends, relatives, or Google will somehow let you know what you need to know. But other than that, life is much better without news, my friends. You can worry about the things that truly impact your life and family, things happening in your neighborhood, at your school or church, in your town. These are the areas where you can have an impact, where you can act and react in love.

Try the news-free vacation (include Twitter and Facebook feeds as well because they are full of "news" you don't need to know) and see if you don't feel better. Not only will you feel better, but you will have more time to do things in your life that you enjoy. Carpe diem!

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

When a new century or millenium actually begins

New centuries, new milleniums...
Once and for all, follow the logic back to day 1.

A century is equal to 100 years, no more or less. Let's work it out below...

year 0 (day 1 to day 365) is 1st year of that century
year 1 (day 366 to day 730) is 2nd year of that century
year 2 is the 3rd year of that century
year 9 is the 10th year of that century
year 10 is the 11th year of that century
year 50 is the 51st year of that century
year 90 is the 91st year of that century
year 99 is the 100th year of that century.

This means that at the completion of the 99th "labeled" year the century (100 years) has been fulfilled and completed and the next year is the beginning of the new century. That is, the moment the year turns to 100 is the beginning of the new century (2nd). In the same vein, the moment that 2000 began was the beginning of a new century and a new millenium (not the year 2001 as some people believe).

year 100 is the 101st year
year 1000 is the 1001st year
year 2000 is the 2001st year
year 2020 is the 2021st year

The new decade starts at the beginning of the n0 year
The new century starts at the beginning of the n00 year
The new millenium starts at the beginning of the n000 year

Hopefully this ends the debate as to when decades, centuries and milleniums begin.

Happy 21st century!

Monday, June 21, 2021

Bitcoin Since 2015 Chart

Bitcoin price chart
Click to enlarge

If anyone is worried about the price of Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies in this current bearish atmosphere let this chart reassure you about Bitcoin price direction. The chart looks the same for many other cryptocurrencies as well. Don't let the FUD get you down. The chart removes the intervening highs (volatility) to emphasize price direction. Bitcoin (after rising 18,000 percent since 2015) is still sitting pretty and still works as a longer term investment (not investment advice).
And here's Ethereum!
Ethereum Chart
Click to enlarge

Prices from coinmarketcap.com

Check out: The Essential Guide to Bitcoin Mining: A Cryptocurrency Tutorial

Paperback, Kindle, Nook, Kobo, Google Play

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Cryptocurrency Price vs. Usefulness

Bitcoin ($56,000 on 4/7/2021) is an asset more than it is a currency, though it is a currency too, it's just that its high fees and slow transaction times limit its use as a currency (for instance, you wouldn't want to buy coffee with it, but you'd not hesitate to buy a Tesla with it). Because it is an asset and viewed by more and more people as a safe haven asset, it makes sense that its price would be high and track higher (due to limited supply). But if you look at most other cryptocurrencies you'll see that they were not created to be investments, they were created to be useable currencies for one function or another. BAT is a currency used by the Brave browser, LBRY coins are used on the video streaming site LBRY and Odysee, Filecoin is used in the Filecoin distributed storage ecosystem, and there are many more examples. 

Bitcoin Cash, Dash, Monero, Nano, and Digibyte are cryptocurrencies which are meant to enable cheap and fast transactions person to person, they are not intended as investment vehicles and do not need to be priced at hundreds of dollars per coin to work well. As an example, look at Digibyte which is $0.08 per coin today and functions well as a person to person payment option. 

Monero will function just as well as Digibyte as a payment option but the price of one Monero is $267 per coin today. The higher price is a function of the relative scarcity of the coin and the increased amount of usage which Monero has. But, the bottom line is that it will cost you about the same to send $20 with either coin, almost nothing, and transact just as quickly. So as far as usability is concerned, it doesn't matter what the price of a cryptocurrency is, you can still get 20 bucks worth of whatever coin you want to use and send it to your friends.

My point is, don't disregard the usability of a cryptocurrency based on low price and don't give too much regard to a cryptocurrency's usefulness based on a high price. 


Check out: The Essential Guide to Bitcoin Mining: A Cryptocurrency Tutorial

Paperback, Kindle, Nook, Kobo, Google Play


Friday, April 2, 2021

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Bitcoin = Lambo


Bitcoin is a Lambo with a 4-cylinder engine. It looks good in my garage, it may hold its value or increase in value, but I'm not going to race it or even drive it. 
#increasetheblocksize 🧡🧡🧡🧡

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

How Does Bitcoin Network Difficulty Affect Mining Profits?

Bitcoin network difficulty exists to make it more difficult to solve a block on the Bitcoin network so that the rate of block solving stays at around 10 minutes per block. But
network difficulty doesn't just make it more difficult just for you, it makes it more difficult for everyone equally over the network. Over time rising difficulty has had the effect of obsoleting many generations of Bitcoin mining machines. The reason for this obsolescence is not that the machines no longer work but that they become much too expensive to run in terms of energy costs per Bitcoin retrieved. If you had free energy, then any Bitcoin miner can contribute shares to a pool and rake in some free Bitcoin, but not many people have access to free energy.

Bitcoin network difficulty also has the effect, when solo mining, of making it nearly impossible for older Bitcoin mining machines to ever solve a Bitcoin block except in a lottery-like fashion where 1-in-a-billion may do so. Even for the latest generation Bitcoin miners, solo mining a Bitcoin block is difficult because of the hundreds of thousands of late model Bitcoin mining machines competing at the same time to solve a block. But if you hope to solve a block while solo mining for Bitcoin you had better have the latest machines with the latest chips or you are just playing the lottery.

Bitcoin network difficulty affects pool mining a little bit differently. When you are mining in a pool, your Bitcoin mining machines never (!) have to solve a block to get paid, they just have to contribute shares to the mining that is going on at the pool. The more shares your miner contributes, the more share of the reward you get when someone in the mining pool solves the block. So to look at it simplistically, if there are 100 miners in the pool and they are all mining at the same rate, each miner will get paid the same amount when one of the miners solves a block. The network difficulty is not going to lower your share or the payout as long as someone in the pool can still solve a block. An increased network difficulty will make it more difficult to solve a block, yes, but it is more difficult for everyone at EVERY mining pool. Again, this favors (or biases) Bitcoin block production towards the newest, fastest Bitcoin miners. So, if you have a pool with 10,000 terahash of mining power and they are all Antminer S9s and you have a pool with 10,000 terahash of Antminer S19s, the pool with the S19s is going to solve most of the blocks because those are the latest/fastest miners. You can check blockchair.com and see which mining pools are solving the most blocks and assume that they are composed of the latest machines. If you want more frequent payouts you could sign up to mine with that pool. More frequent payouts will probaby result in smaller payouts. More hashpower and more miners on a pool result in smaller payouts.

So in conclusion, Bitcoin network difficulty will result in less chances of solving a block when solo mining but have little effect when you are mining in a pool since everyone is subject to the mining difficulty increase. Also, don't mine at a pool where all the miners are using older equipment because they will find blocks much less frequently.

Happy mining, happy HODLing.

Check out: The Essential Guide to Bitcoin Mining: A Cryptocurrency Tutorial

Paperback, Kindle, Nook, Kobo, Google Play


Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Rush Passes February 17, 2021

Rush Limbaugh has passed on February 17, 2021 from lung cancer. In the past he had been an avid smoker of cigarettes and cigars, and though he had quit the cigarettes some years ago, he still had the occasional cigar until shortly before his cancer diagnosis. He had been having chemotherapy, which had extended his time with us by many months and for which his listeners are grateful. He was 70 years old.

Thank you, Rush Limbaugh for your words of wisdom over the years and for being a guiding light to me and many others in the conservative movement. You were indeed the voice of conservatism and the right for many years. You will be truly and sorely missed here on Earth but you will be welcomed with much love into your next phase of life. 


Tuesday, February 16, 2021

President Trump's Web Presence

President Trump on the Balcony with Middle East Prime ministers

If you want to see a real president's Whitehouse website check out this archived version of the Trump administration's Whitehouse website. It will remind you of his accomplishments and has many pictures and videos as well.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

The Truth About the COVID-19 Vaccine, Featuring Dr. Simone Gold, of America's Frontline Doctors

The Truth About the Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine, 
Featuring Dr. Simone Gold, of America's Frontline Doctors
This video is well worth the time it takes to watch it. The doctor presents plenty of facts, raises questions and especially questions whether healthy women who ever want to have children should take this experimental vaccine due to possible effects on the placenta and whether otherwise healthy individuals want to expose themselves to the potential of a cytokine storm* should they be exposed to COVID-19 after having this experimental vaccine.

*A cytokine storm, also called hypercytokinemia, is a physiological reaction in humans and other animals in which the innate immune system causes an uncontrolled and excessive release of pro-inflammatory signaling molecules called cytokines. Normally, cytokines are part of the body's immune response to infection, but their sudden release in large quantities can cause multisystem organ failure and death. (Wikipedia)
Do you want to fly without being forced to take an experimental vaccine? Do you want to go to your job without being forced to take an experimental vaccine?
Help stop forced experimental vaccines. These are not time-tested flu or measles vaccines. They are still experimental. Sign the petition below.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Hate for President Trump Fails to Convict

On Saturday, February 13, 2021, the United States Senate did not find enough votes to convict President Trump of the alleged charge against him in the farcical impeachment trial which accused him of causing rioters to storm the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. 66 votes "for" would have been required to convict. 

Despite the fact that in this second impeachment there was again no evidence that President Trump did anything wrong, 7 Republicans, 48 Democrats and 2 Independents voted, not based on evidence, but on party affiliation, hate for Trump, or delusion. Forget the fact that the impeachment of a former president is unconstitutional by itself, but these 57 hooligans debased their offices, debased the U.S. Senate, and destroyed the representative trust placed in them by the citizenry of this country by voting to convict someone of wrongdoing when the evidence suggested otherwise. This impeachment was simply founded in hate for a man who was successful in his job where they and others in his position have failed constantly and repeatedly.

Question: Guilty or Not Guilty (Article of Impeachment Against "Former" President Donald John Trump )
Vote Date: February 13, 2021, 03:39 PM

For future reference, I will list here those Senators who voted to convict in the hopes that voters will remember these names and never allow them near the Senate again. 

Mitt Romney of Utah
Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania
Ben Sasse Nebraska
Lisa Murkowski of Alaska
Susan Collins of Maine
Bill Cassidy of Louisiana
Richard Burr of North Carolina

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Trusty RINOs Vote for Impeachment Trial to Move Forward

It is no surprise that all the Democrats would vote the way they did since they are used to acting without regard to the U.S. Constitution, but joining in the disregard for the Constitution were the usual RINO, weak-kneed, anti-patriot, anti-conservative, anti-Trump Republicans who also voted with the Dems that a Senate impeachment trial should move forward. An impeachment which is meant to remove a sitting office-holder from office. Sort of like firing someone from a job that they already quit. But "Let's heal the country."
Question: On the Motion (Is Former President Donald John Trump Subject to a Court of Impeachment for Acts Committed While President?)  Vote Date: February 9, 2021, 05:01 PM
As if we need any reminder about who these fake Senate Republicans (or fake conservatives) are, I hope that the people listed here will not be forgotten and will be primaried out of office on their next run. 

Susan Collins of Maine 
Bill Cassidy of Louisiana
Joe Manchin of West Virginia (a Dem who pretends to be conservative)
Mitt Romney of Utah and/or Massachusetts
Ben Sasse of Nebraska
Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania
Lisa Murkowski of Alaska

RINO = Republican in name only, in case you didn't know

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Stolen Elections Have Consequences


Central American Caravan of Migrants 2018

Coming soon to a border near you.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Supreme Court Must Not Allow Impeachment Trial

The Supreme Court of the United States needs to step out and say that impeaching a former president (a private citizen) is unconstitutional and put a stop to this constitutional erosion that is taking place. It is their constitutional duty to do this. Additionally, betrayer Mitch McConnell and every other Senator (of any party) should also know that it is unconstitutional and should say so if they care about the U.S. Constitution which they took an oath to preserve and protect.

Unfortunately, the swamp is pervasive in D.C., and the actors there don't mind eroding the Constitution if it can hurt President Trump.

Friday, January 15, 2021

List of Anti-Liberty Companies

The following is a list of corporations who have de-platformed President Trump and many other conservatives or Trump's supporters. Many of these companies have said they won't support candidates who questioned the fraudulent election results. HSBC has stated that you may be debanked if you don't wear a mask in their bank. Remember these companies when you are about to make a purchase and choose a nonbiased company when possible. You and I can grow this list together! Please help by commenting below with the names of other Companies who have shown their political liberalism and/or their intolerance of free speech and liberty.
Amazon (anti-free speech vs. Parler)
American Express
Bank of America
Banks United (cancelled President Trump's accounts)
Bed, Bath & Beyond
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Coca Cola (requires law firms who work for it to have certain racial makeup; employee training asks employees to be less white - i.e., racism)
Deutsche Bank (cancelled President Trump's accounts)
Disney (fired Gina Carano for a truthful social media post)
Gina Carano
Facebook (anti-free speech, cancelled President Trump's and other conservative accounts)
Google (influences search algorithm to be pro-Democrat)
Instagram (anti-free speech)
Loews Hotels
Morgan Stanley
PGA (cancelled President Trump's golf course from having a PGA event)
Professional Bank (cancelled President Trump's accounts)
Signature Bank (cancelled President Trump's accounts)
Simon & Schuster (cancelled Senator Josh Hawley book)
Stripe (cancelled President Trump's accounts)
Twitter (muzzled and cancelled President Trump's accounts)
YouTube (anti-free speech)

Updated 2/22/2021

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

List of Republicans Who Have Betrayed MAGA

The following is a list of Republicans who did not side with President Trump for election integrity or who have subsequent to January 6 "stabbed" President Trump in the back. Remember these names when the next election for them arrives or they ask you to buy their book or watch their movie. They will not be welcome in the new Patriot Party (should there be one). You and I can grow this list together! Please help by commenting below with the names of other Republicans who have undercut President Trump and give a source for their betrayal (words or deed) and we will add them to this list. Thanks!

Jaime Herrera Beutler (congresswoman, voted to impeach)
Anthony Gonzalez (congressman, voted to impeach)
John Katko (congressman, voted to impeach)
Adam Kinzinger (congressman, voted to impeach)
Peter Meijer (congressman, voted to impeach)
Dan Newhouse (congressman, voted to impeach)
Tom Rice (congressman, voted to impeach)
Fred Upton (congressman, voted to impeach)
David Valdao (congressman, voted to impeach)   
Senator Mitch McConnell
Senator John Thune
Senator Romney
Senator Mike Lee
Senator Lindsey Graham
Liz Cheney (congresswoman, voted to impeach)
Megan McCain (irrelevant)
VP Mike Pence
ex-senator Kelly Loeffler 
ex-senator David Perdue 
Governor Brian Kemp
Senator Tom Cotton
Congressman Dan Crenshaw
Ben Sasse
Nicki Halley
Senator Lisa Murkowski
ex-Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
Senator Pat Toomey
ex-Governor Chris Christie
ex-Governor Mike Huckabee 
Senator Marco Rubio
Kevin McCarthy
Updated 1/14/2021